Partners’ Progress Newsletters

October 20, 2023

Social Worker Brenda joyfully celebrates her birthday

Brenda’s grandmother brought her to our nursery school as a three-year-old. After Mustard Seed, she went to St. Teresa’s Girls School for A-levels. Then, she attended Makerere University on a government scholarship.

After 24 years, she finally had a birthday party. Eleven friends came. We had American food, cake, songs, and gifts for her. She said, “I feel so loved.” And she is!
Gratefully back in the U.S. with lots of warm memories,

October 14, 2023

Eddy expressed his appreciation for Mustard Seed Secondary School.

When you come to Mustard Seed, it’s like another country. Everything is just here. We have everything— thanks to you!

October 7, 2023

After fourteen years of sponsorship, Gail Beverly was thrilled to meet Hakim face-to-face.   
Hakim gave Gail special gifts for each of her family members. Here, she is holding back tears of joy.
Happy October,

September 29, 2023

Mustard Seed Sixth graders (P-6) welcoming Gail Beverly and me (Elaine Griswold)

Day One of our stay in Lukaya—as we entered the classroom, students stood and, in unison, recited a welcome greeting. What joy!


September 22, 2023

Mustard Seed Primary School’s netball team took the championship.

Stiff competition from older and wealthier schools didn’t faze our girls. They have skill, spirit, and teamwork. Plus, they have the best uniforms, thanks to a gift from the Seaforth Netball Club from Australia. Next week, you’ll be receiving Foto Friday directly from Lukaya! Deep in last-minute preparations, I need some of the energy of these girls. Have a good weekend!

September 15, 2023

A warm welcome for Janet when she visited a Mustard Seed student’s home.
Note the kitchen–upper left. 
Janet Benway loved her visit to Mustard Seed Academy and Lukaya. After her second day, she wrote: I had more hugs today than in the last 10 years combined! I am grateful to be a part of such a worthy organization.
Happy Mid-September!

September 9, 2023

Mustard Seed Academy students at home.

These girls are orphans. Still, you can see their bonds of love and joy. They belong. They have family. They have food. They live in a lovely house. They go to the best school in town. They are better off than most children in Lukaya—thanks to you.Happy Friday!


September 1, 2023

I’m sorry for sneaking in two photos on this Foto Friday. Double the joy—I hope. Mustard Seed S-4 and S-6 students enjoying their “Exquisite Prom Party”.

Happy Friday!


August 25, 2023

At Mustard Seed, school life has been in high gear. Competitions in sports, music, chess, and a prom party, plus visitors from America, made the second term exciting!Thanks to you, students are thriving despite challenges caused by flooding, inflation, and the collapsed bridge. They are about to have a short break before the third and final term of the school year.Starting today, we will celebrate Fridays with a quick email featuring a photo. I hope Photo Friday will transport you visually for a few seconds to the faraway place where you are doing so much good. Enjoy!

With gratitude,


July 2023

  • Orphans Growing Up to Fulfill Big Dreams

End of May 2023

  • From Rising Waters to Soaring Melodies
  • Latest from Lukaya
  • Sustainability
  • Book Review
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun – did you know?

March 2023

  • Strong African Women
  • The Latest from Lukaya
    • International Women’s Day
  • Sustainability
  • What’s Up?
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun – did you know?

End of January

  • Love from Lukaya
  • The Latest from Lukaya
    • Bearing Fruit
    • Celebrations and Back to School
  • What’s Up?
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun – did you know?

End of December

November 2022

  • Gratitude
  • The Latest from Lukaya
    • Ebola Outbreak
    • Fundraising/Needs
    • Gift Bags
  • Thank You! Video (click here)
  • Just for fun – did you know?

End of October, 2022

  • Mustard Seed’s Mr. Rogers
  • The Latest from Lukaya
    • Celebration of Candidates (Graduates)
    • Dedication of Ted’s House
  • Practical Education
  • Sustainability
  • Book Review-“Queen of Katwe”
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun – did you know?

October 2, 2022

September 1, 2022

  • Looking Up
  • The Latest from Lukaya
  • Reviews
  • What’s Up?
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun– did you know?

July 14, 2022

  • Resilience
  • The Latest from Lukaya
  • Sustainability
  • What’s Up?
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun– did you know?

June 9, 2022

  • Greener, Cleaner, Healthier
  • The Latest from Lukaya
  • Sustainability
  • What’s Up?
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun– did you know?

Spring 2022

February 28, 2022

  • February Thanksgiving
  • The Latest from Lukaya
  • Sustainability
  • What’s Up?
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun– did you know?

January 30, 2022

  • School’s Open
  • Back to School
  • Latest from Lukaya
    • Sustainability
    • What’s Up?
    • Thank You!
  • Just for fun– did you know?

January 6, 2022 (4 of 4)

  • Happy New Year
  • Latest from Lukaya
  • You Did It!

December 31, 2021 (3 of 4)

  • Happy New Year’s Eve

December 31, 2021 (2 of 4)

  • Happy New Year’s Eve Day
  • Latest from Lukaya
    • Sustainability
      • Poultry
      • High Mountain Dining Terrace
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun

December 28, 2021 (1 of 4)

  • A Great Christmas
  • Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

November 2021

  • Gratitude
  • The Latest from Lukaya
    • Sustainability
  • What’s Up?
    • Are schools opening?
      • reopening the week of January third
    • New curriculum
      • hands-on approach
    • Communicating with students and teachers?
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun
    • More than once, I gave someone visiting me ‘a push.’ What did I do?

September 2021

  • Alive and grateful
  • School reopening delayed again
  • The Latest from Lukaya
    • Sustainability
      • Poultry
      • Fish
  • What’s Up?
    • Travel?
    • Mustard Seed Christmas
    • Partners’ Progress newsletters now on RPU website
    • Communicating with students and teachers?
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun
    • Last month, our ‘Ugandanese’ question was: What’s a breakfast escort?

August 2021

  • Making the Best of It
  • The Latest from Lukaya
    • Sustainability
      • Poultry
  • What’s Up?
    • Travel?
    • Communicating with students and teachers?
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun
    • Last month, our ‘Ugandanese’ word was posho.

July 25, 2021

  • Time to Celebrate
    • Mustard Seed Seventh-graders Triumphed!

July 8, 2021

  • The Latest from Lukaya
  • Sustainability Initiatives
    • Eggs!
  • Can You Help?
  • Just for fun
    • Last month, our ‘Ugandanese’ word was boda-boda.
  • Thank you for loving us (Video)

Spring 2021

  • Mustard Seed Academy Reopens
  • Covid Update
  • Sustainability
    • Poultry hens a laying
  • Greetings

May 4, 2021

  • More classes return to school
  • EGGS! 63 trays each day!
  • What’s Up?
  • Thank You, Elaine
  • Just for fun– did you know?
  • Covid 19 Update

March 25, 2021

  • Thank You for Loving us
  • The Latest from Lukaya
  • Nursery School
  • Thank You!
  • What’s Up?
  • Just for fun– did you know?

February 13, 2021

  • Love from Lukaya
  • The Latest from Lukaya
    • Education
    • Health
    • Sustainability
  • What’s Up?
  • Thank You!
  • Just for fun– did you know?

January 4, 2021

  • Happy New Year

December 29, 2020 

  • Send Linda to Mustard Seed Academy

December 26, 2020

  • Thank You, “Banaffe” From Uganda
  • “Cristmas Ennungi.” (we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy near year)

December 17, 2020

  • And, the winners are…
    • Virtual scavenger hunt
  • Delivery of the Festive Christmas Food gifts
  • Last day of the school term at Mustard Seed

November 19, 2020

  • Christmas at Mustard Seed

November 11, 2020

  • Looking up

October 13, 2020

  • Excitement is running high
  • Career Opportunity Pathways Program

September 25, 2020

  • Back to School Soon!

August 2020

  • Pride and Joy
  • Reflections
  • New Experiences Abound
  • Trip of a Lifetime
  • A Graduation Party
  • Assessing and Planning

August 30, 2020

  • Promising

August 12, 2020

  • Back to School?
  • The Latest
  • Other challenges for Uganda

June 7, 2020

  • “You are a saviour”
  • Uncertainty in Uganda remains. The latest in brief
  • Other challenges for Uganda

May 1, 2020

  • Thank you!

April 28, 2020

April 21, 2020

  • Update from Lukaya, Uganda

April 14, 2020

  • Lockdown Continues

April 8, 2020

  • Highs and Lows in Lukaya

August 2019

  • MSA Pioneer Class, First Fruits
  • Rags to Riches: Hamdan Class of ’17
  • Greening the MSA ‘Green Campus’
  • Wish List
  • Mandi Bray—Newest Volunteer
  • When Is a Chicken More Than a Chicken?

June 2016

  • Big & Small Miracles Lukaya 2005-2015
  • How Far We Have Come…..Next?
  • News Briefs
  • Visitors to Tree of Life Ministries
  • RPU’s Fiscal Year 2015 Overview

April 2014

  • One Boy’s Story
  • Imagine! by Joe Griswald
  • News Briefs
  • RPU’s Fiscal Year 2013 Overview

April 2013

  • 2012: Best Year Yet at TOLM
  • 2013: Promises to be even better
  • Volunteers & Visitors Enrich the MSA Experience
  • The Door to Rapha’s House
  • RPU’s Fiscal Year 2012 Overview

Sept 2013

  • ‘A Place to Sing’
  • Lessons from Uganda
  • Social Work Professors Teach “Service Learning”
  • We Are Moving!
  • Sponsor A Day-a new way to help
  • Not Only Money
  • White House Points of Light Ceremony
  • Spread the Word-New Brochures
  • Lives Changed for Ugandans and Americans

November 2012

  • A Day in the Life of a Mustard Seed Academy Student